VIEW Statement Action Defines screen limits for graphics output. Syntax VIEW SCREEN ( x1!, y1!)-( x2!, y2!) , color& , border& Remarks The list below describes the parts of the VIEW statement. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Part Description ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- SCREEN Specifies that coordinates of subsequent graphics statements are absolute to the screen, not relative to the viewport. Only graphics within the viewport are plotted. When SCREEN is omitted, all points are plotted relative to the viewport ( x1! and y1! are added to the coordinates before Part Description ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- added to the coordinates before plotting the point). ( x1!, y1!)-( x2!, y2!) Indicates a rectangular area on the screen. The arguments x1!, y1!, x2!, and y2! are numeric expressions that are the coordinates of diagonally opposite corners of the viewport. The argument ( x1!, y1!)-( x2!, y2!) must be within the physical bounds of the screen in the current screen mode. color& A numeric expression that specifies the color with which to fill the viewport. If you omit color&, the viewport area is not filled (it has the same color as Part Description ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- filled (it has the same color as the screen background color). border& Any numeric expression for border& causes a line to be drawn around the viewport. The value of border determines the color of the line. If you omit border&, no line is drawn around the viewport. The VIEW statement defines a viewport or "clipping region," which is a rectangular section of the screen to which graphics output is limited. If VIEW is used with no arguments, the entire screen is defined as the viewport. RUN and SCREEN also define the entire screen as the viewport. See Also PRINT, SCREEN Statement, WINDOW Examples See the WINDOW statement programming example, which uses the VIEW statement.